Preorder The Nimbus and Get a Free Signed and Personalized Bookplate!

Preorders, as you may know, are incredibly important to the health and wellbeing of new books. This is a difficult fact for debut authors, who can't ask readers to take a chance based on the books they've written before. I'd like to be able to promise you that you'll enjoy my debut novel, The Nimbus, if you've enjoyed the essays and journalism I've published previously. And I dearly hope you do! But the truth is that it's an entirely different beast, and not only in terms of its form. It's both stranger and funnier than my nonfiction, and touches on subjects I've only nicked in most of my existing work to date.
I mention all that by way of noting how grateful I am to everyone who has taken a gamble on The Nimbus without knowing really anything about it. Till now that gratitude has been a mostly (and unfortunately) silent affair. But today I'm pleased to announce that I've finally come up with a token to show my appreciation: a custom-designed bookplate that I'm eager to personalize and sign for anyone who preorders a copy of the novel.
To get a bookplate, simply preorder a copy of The Nimbus at your local independent bookstore (the best option) or at any of the online retailers linked here. Then fill out this form to let me know a few crucial details. I'll sign and personalize the bookplate, I'll put it in the mail, and when your copy of The Nimbus arrives, in June, you can use the handy adhesive backing to affix the bookplate in the book. VoilĂ ! Instant collector's edition.
(If you've already preordered a copy, yes, of course, I'll be thrilled to send you a bookplate, too. What about ebooks? Well, I won't begrudge you a bookplate if you want one, but you should know that what you'll be getting is essentially a sticker.)
I'll send bookplates out as long as I have some to send, but for the reasons mentioned up top, if you have any inclination to preorder The Nimbus, I would urge you to preorder as soon as possible. It really does make a big difference!